Well Saturday and Sunday are over for another week. I won't call it a "weekend" as lets face it, the week never actually ends when you have kids!
The weather was nice, a bit cool but the sun was out and it didn't rain so the kids were able to play outside.
Got the grocery shopping done but not much else! My Mum had a friend over, a lady she's known since I was a little girl, and it was great to have some proper adult conversation. We haven't seen her for a while so there was lots of catching up to do.
I've been feeling extremely tired lately which is mainly my own fault. I used to go to bed not long after the kids were asleep and I'd actually fall asleep instantly, knowing I could be woken up at any time during the night or early in the morning. Z goes to sleep not long after 7pm but L is all over the place at the moment and is sometimes still awake at 10. And instead of then going to sleep myself, I sit in bed and scroll Facebook repeatedly or stream an episode of something and then get hooked and have to watch the next one, or watch Love Island on TV (it's so TRASHY, but I can't stop watching!) There are a million (not exaggerating) other things that I should be doing, but they are not things I want to do and especially not at that time of night.
So then I'm falling asleep around midnight... And Z decides to wake up not long after. And takes a couple of hours to go back to sleep. And wakes me up a few more times by rolling into me or hitting me in the face. Then it's 7am and I'm awake because my body tells me it's time to wake up regardless of how little sleep I've had.
I bet most of you have had this problem.
There are never enough hours in the day to do everything. We put something off to do it later, then later comes and we can't be bothered so it gets left again. We want sleep but we also want to be able to do adult things while our children are sleeping - and no, I don't mean sex! That isn't even anywhere on my list at the moment.
Anyway, it's now 10pm and I'm in bed about to publish this post, then I'm going to quickly (hopefully) scroll Facebook and see what advice I can give, then I will go to sleep!
Night night.
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