Monday 2 February 2015

Instead of concentrating on writing this blog, my own blog which I hope to keep doing and not giving up on like I've done many other times, I've been reading other blogs and becoming hooked. I have to start right at the very beginning - some of which started in 2007 - and I'm desperately to catch up to the present day. So much so, that instead of going to bed to sleep when Miss L is asleep, I go to bed to continue to read post after post until I fall asleep with my phone in my hand. Yes, I both read and blog on my phone as I have no home broadband (which doesn't make it easy!)

At the moment I'm loving Baby Rabies, Breathe Gently and Adriel Booker. I've linked to the very first posts so you don't have to search through the archives yourselves.
NB: It took me 25 minutes to get those links in there, I kid you not!

I've also come across a nifty blog to get more readers to my blog as well as find new ones to read myself - ICLW or IComLeavWe - meaning International Comment Leaving Week. On the first of every month, you register your blog for others to read and leave comments on and you read and comment on the other blogs that are listed (although technically it can also be any other blogs that you choose). The registration list is open until the 21st of the month. You also need to add a graphic to your blog and each one is month specific. The deal is, between the 21st and 28th of the month, you leave 5 comments every day as well as return a comment (I think that means replying to a comment left on your blog?) for a total of 6 comments a day. Sounds fairly easy and I'm looking forward to it :)

There are always things out there for bloggers to be part of and I hope to find some others that I'm interested in. Some day I hope I can remove part of the anonymity that I've created here so far.

I have 2 posts still in draft stage that I'm working on and I hope they'll be up soon.
Please stay tuned.

Now that L is finally having a nap, I'm heading back over to Baby Rabies ;)

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